This is page 2 of Randy & Ann Asplund's visit to the Viking Market at Foteviken

open air Viking Museum in June 2009.

Missed page 1? Click here.


Outside, and old man tells stories to children


Maybe his stories are about long sea voyages to far away lands?


The door in from the street and the door to the back yard and the sea


Lunch is being prepared


Home and Hearth


Meanwhile, outside vikings have come from everywhere to buy at the market


Ann wants to buy a huge, soft sheepskin. It costs less than half of what it would be in America


Textile merchants sell in front of ther home


Other merchants, these from Lithuania, sell birch bark boxes made in the ancient way


And here we have hand carved boneware. Combs, dice, hair pins, needle cases, and more!


The incredibly accurate ceramics of Drakfältet, a husband and wife working in Sweden doing woodfire ceramics. Check their web site at:


Foteviken's silversmith also mints coins


The forge in the mint


I hope you enjoyed the little trip back in time. Please stop by and see my manuscript illuminations and the medieval books I make at: